Sexual Assault Attorney in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Facing a sexual assault charge can be devastating. When your future is at stake, you deserve a legal team devoted to your case.  

At West Michigan Defense Team, we understand the gravity of these accusations and the profound impact they can have on all aspects of your life. Our goal is to support and guide you throughout the entire legal process. Learn about the implications of sexual assault charges, how you can defend yourself, and Michigan laws that might impact your case. 

If you're facing a sexual assault charge in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Holland, Grand Haven, Muskegon, or anywhere in Western Michigan, don't wait. Call our firm to learn how we can help protect your rights and future. 

Understanding Sexual Assault Charges 

Sexual assault is a serious criminal offense that involves non-consensual sexual contact or behavior. Sexual assault carries significant penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and lifelong registration as a sex offender.  

Charges can range from misdemeanor to felony levels, depending on the severity of the act and the circumstances involved. Michigan's laws define various degrees of criminal sexual conduct, each with its own specific criteria and associated penalties.  

In addition to legal repercussions, being convicted of sexual assault can severely damage your reputation and personal relationships. Individuals accused of sexual assault often face challenges such as public stigma and loss of employment opportunities. A conviction can also result in mandatory participation in rehabilitation programs and restricted living arrangements. 

However, since each case is unique, factors such as consent, age of the involved parties, and use of force are critically examined in court.  An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand the specific charges against you and build a strong defense strategy. 

Charged with Sexual Assault?

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10 Steps to Take if You're Accused of Sexual Assault 

If you're facing sexual assault charges, here are some immediate steps to take: 

  1. Contact a lawyer: The sooner you contact a criminal defense attorney, the better they can protect your rights and start building an effective defense. Do not talk to the police or discuss the allegations with anyone else without legal representation. 

  1. Follow legal advice: Trust your legal team and follow their advice. They have the skill and experience needed to get you out of this situation. 

  1. Gather evidence: Collect evidence that may support your case, such as text messages, emails, or witness statements. 

  1. Avoid contact with the accuser: Any attempt to contact the accuser can complicate your case and may be used against you in court. 

  1. Maintain documentation: Keep detailed records of your interactions and any relevant events. Collect witnesses who can provide statements on your behalf and preserve all communication records. 

  1. Comply with court orders: Strictly follow any court-ordered conditions, such as stay-away orders or bail terms. Non-compliance can lead to additional charges and harm your defense. 

  1. Prepare for interviews: If required to speak with legal investigators or provide statements, prepare thoroughly with your attorney. Identify possible questions and practice the best ways to respond so that your statements align consistently with your defense strategy. 

  1. Stay off social media: Refrain from posting anything on social media that could be misconstrued or used negatively against you. Anything you say online can be brought up in court as evidence. 

  1. Seek emotional support: A sexual assault accusation can be incredibly stressful. Talk to a therapist or counselor to manage the emotional toll and protect your mental health during this time. 

  1. Stay informed: Educate yourself about the legal process and your rights. Knowing what to expect can help you deal with the legal system and make informed decisions about your case. 

Possible Penalties in Michigan 

In Michigan, sexual assault is categorized into four degrees, each carrying different penalties: 

  1. First-degree Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) involves sexual penetration with aggravating circumstances, such as the use of force or coercion, resulting in life imprisonment or any term of years. 

  1. Second-degree CSC involves sexual contact under similar aggravating circumstances and can result in up to 15 years in prison. 

  1. Third-degree CSC involves sexual penetration without aggravating circumstances and carries a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. 

  1. Fourth-degree CSC involves sexual contact without aggravating circumstances and can result in up to 2 years in prison and fines. 

Michigan law requires those convicted of certain sexual offenses to register as sex offenders, which can have lifelong implications for employment, housing, and personal relationships. 

Michigan has stringent laws to address sexual assault, with severe penalties for soliciting sex or engaging in non-consensual sexual conduct. The state also enforces strict mandatory reporting laws, requiring certain professionals to report suspected child abuse or other kinds of sexual assault.  

Sexual Assault Attorneys in Grand Rapids, Michigan 

When you work with the West Michigan Defense Team, you place your trust in a group of dedicated legal professionals with nearly 70 years of combined experience. Our lawyers are seasoned, trial-tested, and have a reputation for achieving favorable outcomes. This collaborative method allows us to consider your case from multiple perspectives, including those of former prosecutors.